Saturday, 20 February 2016

Emigration from Clyne

Emigrant lists drawn up by the Sutherland Estate management list emigrants from parishes in the east of Sutherland during a period of intense emigration. Included here are those who emigrated to Canada in 1829, 1830, 1831, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1847. It should not be assumed that these lists provide a complete record of all emigrants from this part of Sutherland in this period. The lists are contained in the Sutherland Papers in the National Library of Scotland and appear by permission of the Countess of Sutherland. Adapted here from the original transcriptions by Malcolm Bangor-Jones.
Some lists indicate that the people left for America but most went to Canada.

As always I have shown all Mc and Mac names as Mac.

The following people left from Clyne parish – under surname each person is shown by Christian name, place of residence, tenant, servant, etc followed by number in party who left and when. 
Donald, Brora, cabinet maker – only himself, left 1830
John, Carrol, servant – only himself, left 1830

Donald, Achrimsdale, tenant – only himself, left 1829
John, Brora North Muir, a lotter – five in party, left 1829 – earlier version of this list stated Achrimsdale

John, Brora North Muir, resided in his father’s house – seven in party, left 1830
John, Brora, weaver – 8 people in party, left May 1841 aboard the ‘Lady Gray’ from Cromarty – received grant from Sutherland Estate of £15 for which he signed

Donald, Brora North Muir, resided in his father’s house – two in party, left 1830

Kirsty, East Clyne, widow of Will Sutherland, said to have left alone in May 1841 aboard the ‘Lady Gray’ from Cromarty – received grant from Sutherland Estate of £5 but as she did not claim this nor sign for it doubtful if she left
Robert, Brora, servant – only himself, left 1830

See Tailor

Jean, Achrimsdale, lived in her father’s house – only herself, left 1829

Donald, Achrimsdale, tenant – two in party, left 1829 – although Donald is shown in the tenant column a remark next to it shows the word ‘labourer’

John, age 17, single, Clynelish, travelled alone to Upper Canada aboard the vessel ‘Joseph Green’, received assistance of £1 from Dunrobin Management

Alexander, Doll, lotter – seven in party, left 1830

Alexander, Brora East Muir, lotter, five in party, left 1830

Colin, age 36, single, son of Widow Leslie of Dalchallum, travelled alone to Upper Canada on the vessel ‘Glasgow’ in 1844

Alexander, East Brora, quarrier who lodged with his mother – seven in party, left 1831
Robert, Clyne Milton, a servant – only himself in party, left 1829

Alexander, Brora East Muir, a lotter – only himself, left 1829
Robert, Brora North Muir, lotter – four in party, left 1830

George, Brora, blacksmith – four in party, left 1829 – an earlier version of this list stated Achrimsdale
William, Brora, blacksmith – only himself, left 1829 – an earlier version of this list stated Doll

Alexander, Doll, lotter – five in party, left 1830
Alexander, Doll, an orphan, he left alone in May 1841 aboard the ‘Lady Gray’ from Cromarty – received grant from Sutherland Estate of £1.10shillings for which he signed with his mark
George, Brora, a collier – only himself, left 1829
James, Doll, lotter – six in party, left 1829
John, Clynemilton, labourer, lodged with his mother, two in party, left 1831
William, Doll, resided with his father – only himself, left 1829

John, Brora, four in party, left May 1841 aboard the ‘Lady Gray’ from Cromarty – received grant from Sutherland Estate of £5 for which he signed

John, Clynelish, servant – nine in party, left 1830

Angus, Brora East Muir, “a blacksmith, too many of them at Brora” – eleven in party, left 1831
Benjamin, Achrimsdale, labourer, lodged with lotters – himself only, left 1831

David, Brora, lotter – five in party, left 1830
Margaret, widow, Clynemilton – accompanied by her family, left 1831

Alexander, Brora, cabinet maker – only himself, left 1830
Francis, Brora, lotter – two in party, left 1830

Alexander, Achrimsdale, resided in his father’s house – himself only, left 1830
Christy, Lady’s Loch, age 19, travelled alone to Upper Canada aboard the vessel ‘Thos. Harrison’ in 1847 – received assistance of £4 from Dunrobin management
Donald, Clynelish, servant, said to have left May 1841 aboard the ‘Lady Gray’ from Cromarty – received grant from Sutherland Estate but this was marked not claimed so doubtful if he actually left
Donald senior, Clynelish, marked as an orphan and presumably father of Donald above - left May 1841 aboard the ‘Lady Gray’ from Cromarty – received grant from Sutherland Estate of £2 for which he signed with his mark
Elizabeth, Achrimsdale, an old woman – her friends went out last year – two in party, left 1831
Hector, Achrimsdale, a lotter – six in party, left 1829
Hugh, Doll, lotter – seven in party, left 1830 – his mother took over the lot at Doll
James, Brora North Muir, lotter – five in party, left 1830 – an Alexander Sutherland took over the lot
Janet, Achrimsdale – three in party, left 1831
William, Achrimsdale, lotter – seven in party, left 1830

James Finlay, Brora, a lodger – four in party, left 1830 – although his name is shown as Tailor I feel he may be James Finlay, a tailor! 

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